The police on Tuesday arraigned a 40-year-old trader, Saidat Olajiire, in an Iyaganku Chief Magistrates’ Court for allegedly stealing a woman’s handbag, containing N42,000 and a cell phone in a popular market in Ibadan.
Olajiire, who lives in Itamerin area, Ibadan, is charged with theft.
The Prosecution Counsel, ASP Samad Aliu, told the court that the defendant on Sept. 6, at about 5.30 p.m. in Ogunpa market, Ibadan, criminally trespassed into a shop and stole a woman’s handbag, containing a Techno cell phone valued N25,000 and N42,000.
Aliu said that the complainant, Oluwaseun Akinsola of Ogunpa market , Ibadan, reported the matter at the Ogunpa Police Post on Sept. 6.
The offence, he said, contravened the provisions of Section 390 of the Criminal Code Cap 38, Vol. II Laws of Oyo State 2000.
The defendant pleaded not guilty to the charge against her.
The Senior Magistrate, Mrs Patricia Adetuyibi, admitted the defendant to bail in the sum of N60,000 with two sureties in like sum with means of identification.
Adetuyibi, adjourned the matter until Dec.9, for hearing.