Abeokuta – In a groundbreaking medical outreach, the NNPC Foundation has successfully restored sight to over 700 Nigerians in Ogun State, including three minors who were born blind.
The free cataract screening and extraction surgeries, which took place at the Federal Medical Centre (FMC) in Abeokuta, were part of the Foundation’s initiative to combat vision impairment caused by cataracts in the South-West region.
The three minors, who underwent successful cataract extraction surgeries, were among the over 700 patients screened in Abeokuta, while others were screened at centres in Lagos and Oyo states.
According to the parents of the minors, the free medical outreach has given their children a new lease on life. One of the parents, Adebisi Odunuga, whose five-year-old daughter, Iremide Kasali, benefited from the surgery, expressed her gratitude to the NNPC Foundation.
“We had taken our daughter to various hospitals for treatment, but we couldn’t afford the cost of surgery. We were told to pay ₦22 million at the University College Hospital (UCH) in Ibadan, but we couldn’t afford it. We are grateful to the NNPC Foundation for this free medical outreach,” Odunuga said.
Another beneficiary, Omeye Christopher, who underwent successful cataract surgery, also expressed his gratitude to the NNPC Foundation.
“I feel very excited and relieved. I had been struggling with vision impairment for a long time, but I couldn’t afford the cost of surgery. I am grateful to the NNPC Foundation for this free medical outreach,” Christopher said.
The NNPC Foundation’s Managing Director, Mrs. Emmanuella Arukwe, stated that the initiative was driven by the Foundation’s mission to create sustainable, far-reaching initiatives that improve lives and enhance community health.
“The NNPC Foundation is committed to promoting accessible, affordable, and sustainable healthcare across Nigeria’s geopolitical zones. We believe that everyone deserves access to quality healthcare, regardless of their socio-economic status,” Arukwe said.
The Foundation’s Consultant, Dr. Anne Okoroafor-Amugo, noted that cataracts are the leading cause of blindness globally and that the initiative aimed to restore sight to 1,000 individuals in the South-West region.
“We have screened over 700 individuals in Ogun State, and we have already performed over 100 successful surgeries. We will continue to screen and operate on patients until we reach our target of 1,000 individuals,” Okoroafor-Amugo said.
The Olowu of Owu, Oba (Professor) Saka Adetola Matemilola, who witnessed the medical outreach, commended the NNPC Foundation for its commitment to improving the health and well-being of Nigerians.
“I am impressed by the NNPC Foundation’s commitment to providing free medical care to Nigerians. This initiative is a testament to the Foundation’s dedication to improving the lives of Nigerians,” Matemilola said.
The NNPC Foundation has pledged to continue promoting accessible, affordable, and sustainable healthcare across Nigeria’s geopolitical zones. The Foundation’s initiatives are focused on enhancing the socio-economic development of Nigeria, with targeted interventions in education, health, environment, access to energy, and youth empowerment.